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"I've been with Steve for 2 years. He's worth every cent.  He's thoroughly professional and very considerate. Choose to be well, and invest in yourself." -Elinor B.


What Does it Mean to Live An ENGAGED Life?

   Steve Gage CEO and co-founder of Live Engaged, has learned through his years as a NASM Personal Trainer the correlation between movement, mindfulness and overall health.  "It's not just about looking good during that summer vacation but being comfortable in your own body throughout your day-to-day life."  Steve has been working in the Southwest DC area for 2 years and is where he predominantly works with clients.  If you are not in the Southwest DC area and would like to work with Steve towards your goals he is able to work romotely with clients as well.


    Steve focuses on improving his clients' wellness by implementing daily habits, including movement, mindfulness and eating habits.  "By integrating these small consistent changes into your daily routine it makes reaching your desired goal that much more achievable."-Steve Gage


    Steve understands the benefits of combining regular exercise with proper nutrition firsthand. He made the switch from focusing solely on aesthetics to a functional fitness/ long-term health focus and switched to a whole plant-based diet. "The biggest changes I noticed was that I had more energy, less aches and stiffness and more stamina, and that was only in the first month of switching my nutrition."-Steve Gage


   Whether you are just starting out or have been active for years Engaged Fitness can help you achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals.

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