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5 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Fitness/Wellness Goal.

Writer's picture: Sara-Jane and Steve GageSara-Jane and Steve Gage

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Have you started your fitness/wellness goal and seem to lose steam? Does it seem too overwhelming at times, and you find yourself asking "What's the point?" Well here are five ways to keep you on track and avoid losing your progress. After all, you've already done one of the most difficult started.

  1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals.

  2. Utilizing the Power of NO.

  3. Remember your "Why".

  4. Take Progress Photos.

  5. Try Meal Planning/Prep.

1. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals.

A S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) is a goal that you set yourself that sets you up for success and doesn't feel too out of reach. For example, let's say you would like to add more daily activity to you routine. We'll transform that larger goal into a smaller S.M.A.R.T. goal. I would like to walk for 30 minutes after dinner for 1 month 2 times per week.

- Specific- This goal describes what it is you would like to accomplish.

-Measurable- You can measure how many days per week you stick to this goal.

-Achievable- Is this goal achievable by your standards? If not, then set the number of days you can stick to this goal.

-Relevant- This smaller goal is adding towards your larger overall goal of wanting to add more activity to your daily routine.

-Timely- This goal gives you the amount of time to walk, 30 minutes, as well as how long you would like to stick with this goal, 2 days per week for 1 month.

Once you have accomplished your goal consistently, then gradually build upon it. Using our previous example, attempting to walk for 30 minutes after dinner 3-4 times per week. The idea is to choose a goal that you can stay consistent with. In the long run this will build your self-confidence and encourage you to want to do more.

2. Utilizing the Power of "NO"

Often we are so used to saying yes to everything and everyone and get involved in circumstances that aren't the greatest for our fitness/wellness goals. Such as large gatherings where the food choices are not ideal or staying out really late multiple nights in a row, which affects our sleep. This is where you can use the power of "no, or no thank you". Use this approach at your own will, this is not an all or nothing idea. Find the situations that cause the largest interruption in your goals and implement your boundry and say no or no thank you. For example, if you find yourself staying out late too many nights in a row and finding yourself feeling exhausted throughout the rest of the week, then maybe switch to only going out 1 or 2 nights per week. Remember, your health and wellness is worth getting a good night's sleep, and you will be able to appreciate those fun nights out more because you will be well rested.

3. Remember Your "Why".

Struggling to find the motivation to continue with your fitness/wellness journey? Think back to when you made your first step and why you began in the first place. We sometimes get into the routine and forget why we even started in the first place. Did you want to lose weight because you would like to be healthier? Do you want to be able to play with your kids or grandkids? Or would you like to just be able to enjoy your life more and have more energy? Focus on your why, especially during the times you want to quit and give up. A great way to do this is to create a vision board.

Create a visible board of images, words, stickers, motivational quotes etc. focused around your goal that you frequently can see and remind yourself of your why.

4. Taking Progress Photos.

We see ourselves every day in the mirror and often lose sight of the changes that have been made over time and don't appreciate the hard work we've put in. You can choose how often you want to take your progress photos, every month, every two months etc. and keep those photos in their own folder so you can visually see your progress. Just give yourself enough time in between photos for change to actually occur (1-3 months). As you look through your photos you will begin to notice all the little changes that have taken place.

The suggested angles for taking your photos are from the front, back, left side and right side where you can see your entire body. When taking the before pictures take them with your body fully relaxed, don't flex or suck your stomach in, and wear an outfit that shows as much of your body as possible. Wearing that same outfit each time you take your photos will also give you a great indication of how your body is changing.

5. Try Meal Planning/Prep.

What is on the other end of your fork will drastically affect the outcome of your fitness/wellness goal. This is one of the most challenging parts to change when making more health-conscious choices due to our busy lifestyles. Luckily there is a solution. Meal planning or meal prep. Just like most of these tips this is not an all or nothing approach, start with small steps and gradually build upon them.

What is meal planning? Meal planning is when choose to make meals in advance and save yourself some time and stress in preparing a meal or meals. This will give you an opportunity to add more nutritious foods to your weekly routine. Choose from a list of ingredients you enjoy and try to make as much of a balanced meal as possible. This means getting in your main nutrients, protein, carbs and fats, as well as other micronutrients, like Zinc, Iron and Magnesium just to name a few. Depending on how many are in your household, this one prepared meal could take care of multiple meals throughout your day.

What is meal prep? Meal prepping is when you have a more specific list of what each meal will be for your meals throughout the day. This also saves you the hassle of wondering "What am I going to eat?" setting yourself up for success and allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life.

There are many ways to accomplish your fitness/wellness goals, the key is to find out which method works for you and that you can keep consistent. Experiment with these five tips as well as others and set yourself up for success. Remember, YOU'RE WORTH IT!! Having trouble starting or continuing your wellness journey? Reach out to either Steve or Sara-Jane for a Wellness Consultation to guide you towards success.

Steve Gage NASM-CPT:

Sara-Jane Gage:

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